Registration Now Open: BC Science Outreach Workshop

The BC Science Outreach Workshop will once again be held at Science World British Columbia on March 2, 2015. This popular event is a professional outreach development workshop focused on offering our audiences innovative experiences. At the workshop, organizations will work together to promote their services and identify ways to transform imagination into science reality. We are working to bring science to the next generation of innovators!


Who Should Attend?

Members of the science outreach, education and communications communities in British Columbia.


There is no fee; however pre-registration is required and space is limited.

Please register with Eventbrite at on or before March 1, 2015.
Shape of the Day

This full day workshop will take place from 8:30 to 5:30 at TELUS World of Science with lunch and coffee break snacks provided.  Presentation and Workshop themes will include:  Curriculum Updates, Supporting Schools with 21st Century Learning, Engaging Youth in Environmental Science, Community Consultation, Encouraging Girls in STEM, Community Based Research, How to Engage Different Audiences and Mentoring Connections to Advance STEM Education and Careers. In addition we have responded to feedback from last year’s event by including informal table talks on a variety of topics to allow for further networking connections.

If you are interested in adding your science outreach story as a part of this gathering, please contact Tammy Matheson ( beforeFebruary 18, 2015.


Science World British Columbia is a not-for-profit organization that engages British Columbians in science and
inspires future science and technology leadership throughout our province.