Thanks to all of the participants of the Fall Field Trip!
Click the photo for more images from the trip!
Applications Open for Student Research Awards
Applications are open for the Les Lavkulich Graduate Student Award in Soil Science and the Art Bomke Undergraduate Student Award in Soil Science. The application deadline for both awards is October 31, 2018. Click this image for more information.
Thanks to all of the participants of the Summer Soil ID Course!
Click the photo for more images from the course!
2018 Summer Soil ID Course Payment Form
Participant Type Student $120.00 CADProfessional $160.00 CAD Name of Participant After completing your payment you should receive an email confirmation from PayPal.
Karl C. Ivarson Scholarship for Students in Soil Science and Related Studies
Applications are invited for the 2018 Ivarson Scholarship for Students in Soil Science and Related Studies. One scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded. Please read the scholarship guidelines carefully before completing an application. Deadline for application is 11:59 pm ET, May 25, 2018. Visit the link here.
ALR Consultation: Protecting Farmland and Farmers
Important information regarding the ALR Consultation Process: Letter from Art Bomke: Protecting Farmland and Farmers Revitalization of the Agricultural Land Reserve and the Agricultural Land Commission Visit the website to find out more information:
Thanks to all participants of the 2018 Spring Workshop/AGM
Click on this photo to view pictures from the event!
Student Poster Competition
The PRSSS Annual Poster Competition for students is happening at the Spring Workshop and AGM. This is a great opportunity to showcase your ideas and projects related to soil science. There will also be cash prizes (1st – $300, 2nd – $200 and 3rd – $100). Register for the workshop if you want to participate.
Canadian Biosolids and Residuals Conference 2018
Click on the image for more information!
Registration Now Open for 2018 PRSSS Spring Workshop and AGM
Our Annual Spring Workshop and AGM is taking place on Saturday March 24, 2018. Registration closes on March 16. Click on the image for more information and to register.