
2017 Spring Workshop and AGM Registration

To register you will need to follow the 2 steps below: Step 1: Registration (form provided below) Step 2: Payment (via PayPal) Step 1: Register Loading… Step 2: Payment *Payment includes event and 2017/2018 PRSSS membership ($10 for students and $20 for non-student) Payment non-student $70.00 CADStudent $25.00 CAD Name (first and last) That’s it! […]

Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Scholarship- Call for applications

Click on image for more information

Thanks to all participants for a successful 2016 Fall Field Tour!

Thanks to all participants for a successful 2016 Fall Field Tour!

Click to view photos on our Flickr account!

Fields alive with scientific studies

Fields alive with scientific studies

Check out this Delta Optimist article on soil and wildlife research in the area.

Thanks to all participants for a successful 2016 Summer Soil ID Course – Click here to view photos
The Soil Story: A Film on the Role of Soil in Carbon Sequestration from Kiss the Ground
The PRSSS Has a New Logo!